Latest and Greatest on Beating the Banksters

Commerce is a game only the banksters can win. Their engaging us in it, via our working and banking is their means of controlling us. This is why cash pay for labour, off-shore accounts, network marketing, barter, community currency, etc. so frustrates the tax collectors. If we can keep their mitts off whatever means of exchange we use, they can no longer control us. Banks are not our friends. Do not allow them access to your assets.

There exists a non-commercial remedy which allows us to escape the banks’ interference in our commercial affairs while maintaining access to what we all still accept as the world’s most recognizable currency — Federal Reserve Notes, aka US dollars. We can use FRNs as community currency, without recourse, to discharge both public and private debt — unlike most other bank notes. We can have complete financial freedom and anonymity from the banksters. Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) claims, “The main reason people struggle financially is because in school they learned to work for money but never learned to have money work for them.”

When we are employed, we work for money and the government controls our earnings, our finances, and our lives. Increasingly, government is demanding employers to confiscate not only wages but also jobs (outsourcing). It claims to protect us from scams when the truth is they want complete access, ultimately, to all our assets. They also prefer we invest in Social Security and Canada Pension — rather than in ourselves — in order to perpetuate their Ponzi Schemes. No one, under age 50, who paid will ever see any return.

Listen to this 5-minute overview now!


If I could honestly show you a way to begin to receive cash to your door as early as in the next 24-to-48 hours, would you be willing to spend 30 minutes to find out how you can do this?

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Be the change you want to see
Mahatma Gandhi