The Master Key System Letters – Charles F. Hannel 

TELLS upon what possession is based, explains the cause of all gain, explains the cause of loss as well as all other experiences in life.

It explains how power is secured. It tells of a world within and how this world is governed.

It explains how the solution for every problem in life may be found. It tells how practical men and women find the courage, power, hope, enthusiasm and confidence by which they are given the intelligence and wisdom to make their dreams come true.

It tells how more efficiency is obtained and retained, and how our future may be placed under our own control instead of being at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power.

It explains the cause of every condition, the reason for every experience, the origin of all power, and why all power is absolutely under our own control.

Letter 1 transcript here

Alignment With More Time and Money In A Simple Way

To be reluctant when offered a genuine solution that can pull one out of a self imposed slavery can be the very freedom one seeks. Programming can run deep, we are all born into this world where conforming is the norm.

We are groomed from a young age to go to school, get a job, get a mortgage (French translation: death pledge), have a family then retire (become tired again). We are not taught to become wealthy. The governments, central banks and corporations do not care one iota about you. All they care about is controlling the flow of money and people from cradle to grave and rigging the game so they continue to get the majority of wealth whilst keeping the majority poor. The people who rise above this trap are the ones who break convention and rise above themselves.
These are the kinds of people who are destined for success and the kind we are looking for to join us.

Listen to this 5-minute overview now!


If I could honestly show you a way to begin to receive cash to your door as early as in the next 24-to-48 hours, would you be willing to spend 30 minutes to find out how you can do this?
Join us on one of our 30-minute workshops via the telephone. Please fill in the form to the right for the call details.

This private information has been simple and effective for over 18 years now.

We will send you the information to tap into our next workshop call which will explain the complete plan, along with the website to join the program.

Be the change you want to see
Mahatma Gandhi